Dry Ice Blasting Process

The Explosive Power of CO2 Cleaning – How dry ice blasting works for most industrial cleaning scenarios.

Dry Ice Blasting, also known as CO2 blasting or CO2 cleaning, is an industrial cleaning method that has been perfected for industries as vastly different as Automotive Manufacturing, Foundry Production, Food & Beverage Processing, and the Printing/Plating industry. While simple in its application when the proper technical equipment is used, its results are highly effective and incredibly efficient. Although dry ice technology was patented in 1947 and its blasting cleaning technology was patented in 1986, this carbon dioxide-based cleaning method is just catching-on across America as companies large and small seek greater cost-saving efficiencies and more environmentally friendly ways of caring for and maintaining their equipment and facilities.

What Is Dry Ice Blasting – How CO2 Cleaning Works.

Dry ice, otherwise known by its chemical composition of CO2, is an element naturally found in the atmosphere as well as manufactured or reclaimed from other processes. Most individuals have come across dry ice in-use for theatrical effects, as it creates fog when dropped into water. We purchase our dry ice from a trusted vendor and then store it at our facility for use at client locations around the Midwest and select other states.

  • Peak Dry Ice Blasting begins each cleaning project with a visit to your facility if you’re within a 200-mile radius of our Ohio-based headquarters. Otherwise, conference calls are scheduled and we view images and video of your facilities sent to us by your project manager, in order to determine if there are any special design considerations within your facilities that must be accommodated.
  • Upon arrival at the plant or facility, our work begins almost immediately, as most machinery and equipment stays in-place and does not need dissembled or moved. Since CO2 pellets vaporize instantly after impacting the surface of equipment or buildings and leave no mess or residue behind, very little masking or covering of non-blasted equipment needs to be done. Learn other advantages of dry ice blast cleaning here.
  • Using our CO2 blasting equipment, we are able to control the amount of rice-grain-sized dry ice pellets that impact the surface of the machinery per minute as well as the PSI/velocity of the dry ice media, according to the surface material to be removed and the composition of the machinery itself. This ensures that all equipment, tools and machinery are cleaned professionally and completely – without damaging any instrumentation or delicate parts – via the temperature-sensitive, micro-explosive reaction that is the dry ice blasting process.
  • As the dry ice pellets strike the surface to be cleaned, they vaporize due to the impact and temperature differential and expand to 800 times their original size as harmless CO2 gas, which blasts and removes all residue that has coated or covered the equipment/machinery/facilities.
  • Finally, depending upon the details of our cleaning agreement with your company, we will clean-up and remove all the blasted particulate matter that has been removed from your equipment and facilities, or leave that task for your own staff to handle.

Water-less, chemical-free, and heat-free industrial cleaning couldn’t be faster or more effective for your facilities!

Depending on the size of your organization and your location, Peak Dry Ice Blasting may be able to provide a demonstration of our CO2 cleaning capabilities for you to experience before doing business with us. Take a look at the industries we serve throughout the Midwest and other states. Contact us today to get started with Peak – we’re the clear and “cool” choice for industrial and commercial cleaning that can return your equipment to near-pristine condition for greater productivity all across the Midwest.

Dry Ice Blasting Pellets